
Monday, November 20, 2017

This is an incomplete list of extinct animals of North America. This list covers only extinctions from the Holocene epoch, a geological period that extends from the present day back to about 10,000 radiocarbon years, approximately 11,430 ± 130 calendar years BP (between 9560 and 9300 BC).


source : en.wikipedia.org

Prehistoric mammal extinctions (beginning of the Holocene to 1500 CE)

Recent mammal extinctions (1500 AD to present)

Possibly extinct mammals


source : www.bbc.com

Prehistoric bird extinctions (begin Holocene to 1500 AD)

Recent bird extinctions (1500 AD to present)

Possibly Extinct birds


source : en.wikipedia.org

Modern extinctions (1500 AD to present)

Possibly Extinct


source : www.pinterest.com

Possibly extinct amphibians


source : en.wikipedia.org

Prehistoric fish extinctions (begin Holocene to 1500 AD)

Recent fish extinctions (1500 AD to present)


source : www.bbc.com

  • Cambarellus alvarezi, Around 1994, Mexico (Nuevo León)
  • Chihuahua dwarf crayfish, Cambarellus chihuahuae Unknown, Mexico (Chihuahua)
  • Florida fairy shrimp , Dexteria floridana, Unknown, Florida
  • Hemigrapsus estellinensis , 1963, Estelline, Texas
  • Pasadena freshwater shrimp , Syncaris pasadenae, 1933, Los Angeles, California
  • Rubious cave amphipod , Stygobromus lucifugus, Unknown, Illinois
  • Sandhills crayfish , Procambarus angustatus, Unknown, Georgia
  • Sooty crayfish , Pacifastacus nigrescens, late 19th century, San Francisco Bay, California


source : en.wikipedia.org

  • American chestnut moth, Ectoedemia castaneae, Unknown, USA
  • Antioch Dunes shieldback katydid, Neduba extincta, Unknown, USA
  • Athens caddisfly, Triaenodes phalacris, Unknown, USA
  • Castle Lake caddisfly, Rhyacophila amabilis, Unknown, USA
  • Central Valley grasshopper, Conozoa hyalina, Unknown, USA
  • Chestnut casebearer moth, Coleophora leucochrysella, 1900, USA
  • Chestnut ermine moth,Argyresthia castaneella, Unknown, USA
  • Chestnut clearwing moth, Coptotriche perplexa, Unknown, USA
  • Fort Ross weevil, Trigonoscuta rossi, Unknown, USA
  • Macrancylus linearis, Unknown, United States and West Indies
  • Mono Lake diving beetle, Hygrotus artus, Unknown, California
  • Oeobia sp. Nov, Unknown, USA
  • Phleophagan chestnut moth, Ectoedemia phleophaga, Unknown, Virginia
  • Pecatonica River mayfly, Acanthometropus pecatonica, Unknown, USA
  • Rocky Mountain locust, Melanoplus spretus, 1902, Great Plains, Canada and USA
  • Robert's stonefly, Alloperla roberti, Unknown, USA
  • Robust burrowing mayfly, Pentagenia robusta, Unknown, Ohio River Area
  • Three-toothed caddisfly, Triaenodes tridonata, Unknown, USA
  • Sloane's Urania butterfly, Urania sloanus, 1894, Jamaica
  • Volutine stoneyian tabanid fly, Stonemyia volutina, Unknown, USA
  • Xerces blue butterfly, Glaucopsyche xerces, 1943, Sunset District of San Francisco, California
  • Yorba Linda weevil, Trigonoscuta yorbalindae, Unknown, United States


source : theworldofanimals.proboards.com

  • Caribbean monk seal nasal mite, Halarachne americana, 1952, Caribbean Sea
  • Tityus exstinctus, 1884, France (Martinique)


source : rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org

  • Acorn pearly mussel, Epioblasma haysiana, Unknown, Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers
  • Acorn ramshell, Planorbella multivolvis, Unknown, Michigan
  • Agate rocksnail,Leptoxis clipeata, Unknown, Alabama
  • Alabama clubhsell, Pleurobema troschelianum, Unknown, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee
  • Alabama pigtoe, Pleurobema johannis, Unknown, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee
  • Amphicyclotulus guadeloupensis, Unknown, France (Guadeloupe)
  • Angled riffleshell, Epioblasma biemarginata, After 1967, Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers
  • Arc-form pearly mussel, Epioblasma arcaeformis, 1940, Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers
  • Arcuate pearly mussel, Epioblasma flexuosa, Unknown, United States
  • Bigmouth rocksnail, Leptoxis occultata, Unknown, Alabama
  • Boulder snail, Athearnia crassa, Unknown, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia
  • Brown pigtoe, Pleurobema hagleri, Unknown, United States
  • Cahaba pebblesnail, Clappia cahabensis, 1965, Cahaba River, Alabama
  • Carolina elktoe, Alasmidonta robusta, Unknown, the Carolinas
  • Channeled pebblesnail, Somatogyrus wheeleri, Unknown, Arkansas
  • Closed elimia, Elimia clausa, After 1967, Alabama
  • Cobble elimia, Elimia vanuxemiana, Unknown, Alabama
  • Constricted elimia, Elimia impressa, Unknown, Alabama
  • Coosa elktoe, Alasmidonta mccordi, Unknown, Alabama
  • Coosa pigtoe, Pleurobema murrayense, Unknown, USA
  • Coosa rocksnail, Leptoxis showalterii, Unknown, USA
  • Corded purg, Pyrgulopsis nevadensis, Unknown, Nevada
  • Eelgrass limpet, Lottia alveus, 1920s, Labrador to New York
  • Elimia gibbera, Unknown, Alabama
  • Elimia macglameriana, Unknown, Alabama & Georgia
  • Excised slitshell, Gyrotoma excisa, Unknown, Alabama
  • Fine-rayed pearly mussel, Epioblasma personata, Early 20th century, Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio & Tennessee
  • Fish Lake physa, Gyrotoma excisa, Unknown, Alabama
  • Fusiform elimia, Elimia fusiformis, Unknown, Alabama
  • Green-blossom pearly mussel, Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculum,1980s, Tennessee River
  • Hazel pigtoe, Pleurobema avellanum, Unknown, United States
  • Hearty elimia, Elimia jonesi, Unknown, Alabama
  • Highnut, Pleurobema altum, Unknown, United States
  • High-spired elimia, Elimia hartmaniana, Unknown, USA
  • Incerticyclus cinereus, Unknown, Martinique
  • Incerticyclus martinicensis, Unknown, Martinique
  • Lewis pearly mussel, Epioblasma lewisii, Unknown, Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers
  • Leptoxis torrefacta, Unknown, United States
  • Little flat-top snail, Neoplanorbis tantillus Unknown, Alabama
  • Lined pocketbook, Lampsilis binominata, Unknown, USA
  • Longnut, Pleurobema nucleopsis, Unknown, United States
  • Lyrate rocksnail, Leptoxis lirata, Unknown, Alabama
  • Maiden rocksnail, Leptoxis formosa, Unknown, Alabama & Georgia
  • Nearby pearly mussel, Epioblasma propinqua, 1901, Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers
  • Neoplanorbis carinatus, Unknown, United States
  • Neoplanorbis smithi, Unknown, United States
  • Neoplanorbis umbilicatus, Unknown, United States
  • Oachita pebblesnail, Somatogyrus amnicoloides, Unknown, Arkansas
  • Ochlockonee arcmussel, Alasmidonta wrightiana, Unknown, Florida
  • Oleacina guadeloupensis, Unknown, Guadeloupe
  • Olive marstonia, Marstonia olivacea, 1940, Alabama
  • Pagoda slitshell, Gyrotoma pagoda, Unknown, Alabama
  • Pleurodonte desidens, 1834, Martinique
  • Pupa elimia, Elimia pupaeformis, Unknown, Alabama
  • Pygmy elimia, Elimia pygmaea, Unknown, Alabama
  • Pyramid slitshell, Gyrotoma pyramidata, Unknown, Alabama
  • Reverse pebblesnail, Somatogyrus alcoviensis, Unknown, Georgia
  • Ribbed elimia, Elimia laeta, Unknown, Alabama
  • Ribbed slitshell, Gyrotoma pumila, Unknown, Alabama
  • Rotund rocksnail, Leptoxis ligata, Unknown, Alabama
  • Rough-lined elimia, Elimia pilsbryi, Unknown, Alabama
  • Round slitshell, Gyrotoma walkeri, Unknown, Alabama
  • Sampson's pearly mussel, Epioblasma sampsonii, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky
  • Scioto pigtoe, Pleurobema bournianum, Unknown, United States
  • Shoal sprite, Amphigyra alabamensis, Unknown, USA
  • Short-spired elimia, Elimia brevis, Unknown, Alabama
  • Steward's pearly mussel,Epioblasma stewardsonii, Unknown, USA
  • Stone's pearly mussel, Epioblasma lenior, After 1965, Alabama and Tennessee
  • Striate slitshell, Gyrotoma lewisii, Unknown, USA
  • Striped rocksnail, Leptoxis vittata, Unknown, United States
  • Thick-lipped pebblesnail, Somatogyrus crassilabris, Unknown, Arkansas
  • Tombigbee moccasinshell, Medionidus mcglameriae, Unknown, United States
  • True pigtoe, Pleurobema verum, Unknown, Alabama
  • Tubercled-blossom pearly mussel, Epioblasma torulosa torulosa, Unknown, Canada Alabama, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee & West Virginia
  • Turgid-blossom pearly mussel, Epioblasma turgidula, Unknown, USA
  • Umbilicate pebblesnail, Clappia umbilicata, 1928, Alabama
  • Yellow pigtoe, Pleurobema flavidulum, Unknown, United States

See also

  • List of extinct animals
  • List of extinct animals of the Hawaiian Islands
  • List of extinct birds
  • Extinct in the Wild
  • Lazarus taxon
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species


  • IUCN 2006. 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. <www.iucnredlist.org>. Downloaded on February 10, 2007.


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